In 2006, I was an artist in residence in Santa Fe for a period of two months. Inspired and mesmerised by the earthy landscape, the topography, the colour and light, I created this body of work.

Dyeing the canvas with natural dyes and by tearing, burning, stitching, collaging, painting as well as adding found objects I made these works that looked like scrolls or maps.

For the works on paper I stained and dyed the paper in earthy tones and again the kantha or running stitch, found objects and collage are integral to this body of work.  

Santa Fe I, II, III, IV, V & VI
Size: 56”x18” (approx.) | Material: canvas, natural dyes and pigments, needle and thread, found objects

Artist Books

Tea Bag Sampler Book | 6.7” x 9” | Hand made paper stained with tea, used tea bags, tea tags, strings and thread

A Cup Of Kindness' | 6” x 8.25” | Hand made paper stained with tea, paper tags, metallic paint, pen and ink

A Cup Of Kindness' installation above includes found wooden box, used tea bag, paper, frame, tea stains.