Nature plays a significant role in my work. I photograph it, but interrupt a direct reading, into compositions of lines, planes, textures and symbols, where the horizon mediates between the earth and the sky into an abstracted reality. Blurring the line between traditional and contemporary practices I dye or stain paper, canvas and cloth with natural dyes and pigments like Indigo, Madder and Kattha, and work on them by adding found objects, stitching and line drawings.

Under the Blue Sky (I, II & III)
24.5” x 42.5”
Cotton cloth, indigo, discharge painting and printing, found objects, stitching and digital images on archival paper
24.5” x 42.5”
Cotton cloth, indigo, discharge painting and printing, found objects, stitching and digital images on archival paper

42.5” x 24.5”
Cotton cloth, Natural minerals and dyes, discharge painting and printing, stitching and digital images on archival paper